FF-Docker (Local)

With Docker, it is possible to run a local deployment of FF without installing any system level dependencies other than Docker. A few important notes on this setup.

  • Although the build dependency layer is cached, it still takes around 4 minutes to rebuild the front-end for each image. This limitation is tolerable considering the local deployment now identically matches the execution runtime of production.
  • This setup only works when users have sourced AWS Keys in the main account (to connect to the shared ES cluster).
  • IMPORTANT: Do not upload the local deployment container image to any registry.

Installing Docker

Install Docker with (OSX assumed):

$ brew install docker

Configuring FF Docker

Use the prepare-docker command to configure docker-compose.yml and docker-development.ini:

poetry run prepare-docker -h
usage: prepare-docker [-h] [--data-set {prod,test,local,deploy}]
                  [--load-inserts] [--run-tests]
                  [--s3-encrypt-key-id S3_ENCRYPT_KEY_ID]

Prepare docker files

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--data-set {prod,test,local,deploy}
                    the data set to use (default: local)
--load-inserts        if supplied, causes inserts to be loaded (default: not
--run-tests           if supplied, causes tests to be run in container
                    (default: not tested)
--s3-encrypt-key-id S3_ENCRYPT_KEY_ID
                    an encrypt key id (default: the empty string), not typically used for FF

Note that you must additionally set GLOBAL_ENV_BUCKET=foursight-prod-envs, which will be passed to the container to resolve environment information. On initial run, you will want to run with the --load-inserts option so data is loaded. Pass --data-set local to get local inserts, or deploy to use the production inserts.

Building FF Docker

There are two new Make targets that should be sufficient for normal use. To build the image locally, ensure your AWS keys are sourced and run:

$ make build-docker-local  # runs docker-compose build
$ make build-docker-local-clean  # runs a no-cache build, regenerating all layers
$ make deploy-docker-local  # runs docker-compose up
$ make deploy-docker-local-daemon  # runs services in background

The build will take around 10 minutes the first time but will speed up dramatically after due to layer caching. In general, the rate limiting step for rebuilding is the front-end build (unless you are also updating dependencies, which will slow down the build further). Although this may seem like a drawback, the key benefit is that what you are running in Docker is essentially identical to that which is orchestrated on ECS in production. This should reduce our reliance/need for test environments.

Accessing FF Docker at Runtime

To access the running container:

$ docker ps   # will show running containers
$ docker exec -it <container_id_prefix> bash

Alternative Configuration with Local ElasticSearch

ElasticSearch is too compute intensive to virtualize on most machines. For this reason we use the FF test ES cluster for this deployment instead of spinning up an ES cluster in Docker. It is possible however to modify docker-compose.yml to spinup a local Elasticsearch. If your machine can handle this it is the ideal setup, but typically things are just too slow for it to be viable (YMMV).

Common Issues

Some notable issues that you may encounter include:

  • The NPM build may fail/hang - this can happen when Docker does not have enough resources. Try upping the amount CPU/RAM you are allocating to Docker. This can be done easily from Docker Desktop, opening the Settings and then accessing the Resources panel. Try 6 CPUs and >8 GB RAM.
  • Nginx install fails to locate GPG key - this happens when the Docker internal cache has run out of space and needs to be cleaned - see documentation on docker prune.

Docker Command Cheatsheet

Below is a small list of useful Docker commands for advanced users:

$ docker-compose build  # will trigger a build of the local cluster (see make build-docker-local)
$ docker-compose build --no-cache  # will trigger a fresh build of the entire cluster (see make build-docker-local-clean)
$ docker-compose down  # will stop cluster (can also ctrl-c)
$ docker-compose down --volumes  # will remove cluster volumes as well
$ docker-compose up  # will start cluster and log all output to console (see make deploy-docker-local)
$ docker-compose up -d  # will start cluster in background using existing containers (see make deploy-docker-local-daemon)
$ docker-compose up -d -V --build  # trigger a rebuild/recreation of cluster containers
$ docker system prune  # will cleanup ALL unused Docker components - BE CAREFUL WITH THIS