Local Deployment Troubleshooting


If you had problems with your local deployment, and found solutions to them, please document them here. Please include software versions, and date

20190218 Pillow 3.1.1 install error on Mac 10.14.3, Xcode 10.1 (command line tools 10.1 10B61) - Koray

error message

--enable-zlib requested but zlib not found, aborting

I switched to Mojave, decided to do a fresh install of ff, and updated Xcode from appstore, run xcode-select --install to update (you might need to restart computer after installing xcode, run xcode, and agree to the terms). It turns out the new (Mojave) Xcode Command Line tools no longer installs needed headers in /include. This did the trick for me

sudo installer -pkg /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg -target /

for more info https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv/issues/1219

20190219 Server does not start on Mac 10.14.3, Xcode 10.1 (command line tools 10.1 10B61) - Koray

error message

I and Carl tried various things (rebuilds, re-linking brew …) but it did not help. At the end I did the following, I guess deleting the folder was the key.

  • delete all brew elastic search versions
  • delete the folder /usr/local/etc/elasticsearch/
  • reinstall elasticsearch
  • rebuild
