Search Documentation


  1. http://{SERVER_NAME}/search/?searchTerm={term}

    Fetches all the documents which contain the text ‘term’. The result set includes wild card searches and the ‘term’ should be atleast 3 characters long.

    • SERVER_NAME: ENCODE server
    • term: string that can be searched accross four item_types (i.e., experiment, biosample, antibody_approval, target)

    * TERMS ARE NOT INCLUDED until the corresponding boost values are added to the schemas of item_type * - For example, you must add a boost of “definition” to the biosample schema for this term to be searchable for this object

  2. http://{SERVER_NAME}/search/?type={item_type}

    Fetches all the documents of that particular ‘item_type’

    • SERVER_NAME: ENCODE server
    • item_type: ENCODE item type (values can be: biosample, experiment, antibody_approval and target)
  3. http://{SERVER_NAME}/search/?type={item_type}&{field_name}={text}

    Fetches and then filters all the documents of a particular item_type on that field

    • SERVER_NAME: ENCODE server
    • item_type: ENCODE item type (values can be: biosample, experiment, antibody_approval and target)
    • field_name: Any of the json property in the ENCODE ‘item_type’ schema