UNIT Testing

Python : what & where

  • test_schema : testing if mixins load from schema, and schema sytanctically correct
  • test_type_<object> : test type sepcific stuff, minux embedding, calculated properties, update, etc..
  • test_search : test effects of embedding and what not on search


Unit tests in JavaScript are performed with **Jest**, and initialized via npm test <testfilenameprefix> where testfilenameprefix is the first part (before .js) of the filename located in src/encoded/static/components/__tests__. Run npm test without arguments to run all tests. Execution of all tests is also automatically triggered in Travis upon committing or pull requesting to the GitHub repository.


  • Look at current tests to get understanding of how they work.
  • Check out the **Jest** API.
  • Check out the React **TestUtils** documentation.
  • If you need to test AJAX calls, utilize **Sinon** to create a **fake server** inside testing scripts, which will also patch XMLHttpRequest to work within tests. For example, in a .../__tests__/ file, can have something resembling the following: ```javascript sinon = require(‘sinon’); var server = sinon.fakeServer.create();

// Setup dummy server response(s) server.respondWith(

“PATCH”, // Method context[@id’], // Endpoint / URL [

200, // Status code { “Content-Type” : “application/json” }, // Headers ‘{ “status” : “success” }’ // Raw data returned



// Body of test doSomeFunctionsHereWhichSendAJAXCalls(); // Any code with AJAX/XHR calls. server.respond(); // Respond to any AJAX requests currently in queue. expect(myNewValue).toBe(whatMyNewValueShouldBe); // Assert state in Jest that may have changed in response to or after AJAX call completion.

doSomeMoreFunctionsWithAJAX(); server.respond(); expect(myOtherNewValue).toBe(whatMyOtherNewValueShouldBe);

server.restore(); // When done, restore/unpatch the XMLHttpRequest object. ```