Load Testing with Locust

Locust is a load testing tool that can easily be provisioned to run against any of our environments. There are two required files - config.json and <env>.json where <env> is the environment you’d like to run load testing on.

Supported Environments

  • Data
  • Staging
  • Mastertest
  • Hotseat


To configure the load testing you must write the file config.json. A basic one is provided as a default and updates are gitignore’d (so if a change is needed you will have to force it). There are two important fields - routes and envs. envs specifies a mapping from environment name to the associated URL. This should never really change unless our URL’s do. You could also add new environments here, but a seperate key file is necessary. The second field is routes. This is where you specify what routes you’d like Locust to hit. Locust will hit all routes specified approximately evenly. This behavior can be changed by explicitly specifying your routes in ff_locust.py.


In this file you will need to add your access keys for the environment you’d like to test. By default we will try to locate your credentials in <env>.json. If we do not locate them the program will exit. Provide the field ‘username’ with your access key ID and ‘password’ with the secret. You can generate new access keys from your user page when accessing the relevant portal. These keys will be different across environments, hence the need to provide a separate <env>.json file per environment you’d like to test

Command Line Arguments

usage: main.py [-h] [–time TIME] [–nclients NCLIENTS] [–rate RATE]
[–lower LOWER] [–upper UPPER] config key

Locust Load Testing

positional arguments:
config path to config.json key path to <env>.json
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--time TIME time to run test for, default 1m. Format: 10s, 5m, 1h, 1h30m etc.
--nclients NCLIENTS
 number of clients, default 10
--rate RATE number of clients to hatch per second, default 10
--lower LOWER lower bound on time to wait between requests, default 1
--upper UPPER upper bound on time to wait between requests, default 2